
HEALTH: Hypnosis gaining respectability among doctors, patients

BY MICHAEL WALDHOLZ Wall Street Journal Hypnosis, often misunderstood and almost always controversial, is increasingly being employed in mainstream medicine. Numerous scientific studies have emerged in recent years showing that the hypnotized mind can exert a real and powerful effect on the body. The new findings are leading major hospitals […]

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Hypnosis Weight Loss In Columbia

Many of our clients come to us because, on other plans, they have lost weight only to gain it back, and then some. They were looking for an integrated plan that helps with behaviors while also offering a proven eating plan to get more slim and fit and stay that […]

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Why does hypnosis work for quitting smoking?

When other methods have failed, does hypnosis work for quitting smoking? When people have a desire to give up this habit which can potentially devastate their health, why do they struggle with putting away the cigarettes for good? While I’m not a medical doctor, it’s been my experience, with the […]

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Hypnosis for Stroke Recovery

A new study shows hypnosis for stroke recovery is useful as a treatment in combination with other therapies: Georgia State University has found that mental practice and physical therapy are effective treatments for people recovering from a stroke. As per the researchers, who examined how the brains of stroke patients change […]

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Hypnosis for Athletes

A study done by Liggett DR (Am J Clin Hypn. 2000 Oct;43(2):149-57) suggests that hypnosis for athletes substantially enhances imagery intensity and effectiveness in sports performance. This value of imagery in sports is widely acknowledged. The contribution of hypnosis to enhancing athletes’ performance is also recognized, but the value of hypnosis in enhancing […]

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Does Hypnosis Work?

Probing Question: Does hypnosis work? By Melissa Beattie-Moss, Penn State University March 18, 2014 You’re growing tired. Your eyelids are getting heavy. You’re feeling very sleepy… Most of us recognize these words as the Hollywood script of a hypnosis session. Typically portrayed as the tool of comics and hucksters (“At […]

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Effects of Hypnosis on Cycling Performance

Can hypnosis improve cycling performance? Pete Lindsay, Ian Maynard, and Owen Thomas Sheffield Hallam University, UK studied the effects of hypnosis on flow states and cycling performance Using a single-subject multiple baseline design, combined with assessments of participants’ internal experience (Wollman, 1986), the efficacy of a hypnotic intervention on flow state […]

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Hypnosis Improves Player Performance

Study finds that hypnosis improves basketball player performance. This study was on the effects of hypnosis on flow states and three-point shooting performance in basketball players. This study examined the effects of hypnosis on flow states and three-point shooting performance in 5 collegiate basketball players. The investigation utilized an ideographic single-subject […]

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More Addicts Quit using Hypnosis

Significantly more addicts quit using Hypnosis. 94% of methadone addicts remained narcotic free after six months. Significant differences were found on all measures. The experimental group had significantly less discomfort and illicit drug use, and a significantly greater amount of cessation. At six month follow up, 94% of the subjects in […]

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Hypnosis for Chronic Pain

Hypnosis for chronic pain and acute pain has a reliable and significant impact. Hypnosis has been demonstrated to reduce analogue pain, and studies on the mechanisms of laboratory pain reduction have provided useful applications to clinical populations. Studies showing central nervous system activity during hypnotic procedures offer preliminary information concerning […]

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