The process isn’t magic, though the results can be magical.
You will discover:
Stop overthinking your problem, start now!
Schedule a FREE Hypnosis Strategy Session to set a plan for your success.
Want to know more about hypnosis?
Learn more about what hypnosis is and why it can help you change for good!

About Your Consulting Hypnotist
Columbia Hypnosis Director, Michael Burney, holds certifications from The American Board of Hypnotherapy, The International Association of Professional Conversational Hypnotists and the Association of EFT Professionals, He is a Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner, Certified Quit Success® Smoking Cessation Specialist, and Certified NESTA® Sports Hypnosis Hypnotist. He holds a Medical Hypnosis Certification and Certification by Take Shape For Life® in partnership with C.O.P.E* *MacDonald Center for Obesity Prevention and Education, College of Nursing at Villanova University.
Hypnosis That Works with Your Schedule
Private hypnosis sessions at Columbia Hypnosis with Michael offer you real solutions. Many of our clients have tried everything before seeking help with Michael and finally reaching their goals.
Sessions are confidential and Michael regularly works with medical or mental health care providers to complement their care and enhance your results. Choose the type of session that works best for you:
- In person
- Skype
- Digital Audio recording
What Can You Expect?
- Much of your desired change work can be accomplished in three sessions or less.
- Extensive weight loss and some chronic medical conditions may require additional sessions.
- Some clients elect to schedule monthly sessions for continuous change guidance
- A comfortable, relaxing environment where change may come more easily than you imagined.